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Do Something Daring

It is a new year!! I would love to pretend that Tyler and I did something absolutely fabulous to ring it in, but our New Years Eve celebration was pretty calm and actually one of the best we have had as a married couple. Last year was pretty rad too, so I will call them evensies. Last year we rung in the new year by having a huge bonfire with Tyler's parents, lighting those floating lanterns and setting off a few simple fireworks as well. From that cool celebration came this awesome photo (I am pretty proud of this picture as I am the one who took it.)


Anywho, New Years Eve we had an epic family Minute to Win It competition where Team Girl Power plus Matt took the cake. Around 11pm, when the kiddos headed to bed, Tyler and I sat with all my parents lights off and talked with my mom, my dad, my sister and her husband while our little neice fell asleep on us (which was really tender). My dad talked about growing up and we were graced with the occassional firework and it was honestly perfect.

Tyler and I have talked about our goals quite a bit over the last few days and we have set some pretty hefty goals as a couple, but I hadn't been able to sit down and write my own. I have been thinking a lot about what word I wanted to describe my 2015. I have rolled around several words, inspiration, strength, hope, faith, but none fit until Tyler and I were driving around on Saturday running errands and getting ourselves ready for the new week (boo for going back to work) when I said the word 'Purposeful'.

I spend so much of my time dinking around, and half doing things. I'm not what you would call 'consistent', but I WANT to be. I want to be brave and strong and do things that are meaningful instead of spending days watching entire seasons of Bones. (not that I do that....)

So anyway, I was trying to define what my 'purposeful' year would look like when I was scrolling through my Instagram feed ( totally purposeful...really it is...) and I saw that my 12 year old neice had posted a video of her doing a 'tutorial' for a song on the guitar. She had just gotten the guitar for Christmas and she doesn't know a whole lot, and yet she was brave enough to post a video of herself playing! I have been playing guitar and singing since I was 14, I love playing, but rarely do it in front of people because I am always so embarassed to not be 'good enough', yet here was my sweet neice doing it after just a few days. SUCH A COOL GIRL!!

So here is how I am going to define my 'purposeful' year of 2015:

I will fill my time with meaningful activities:

-scriptures every day

-30 minutes of excercise at least 3 days a week

-read at least 10 books this year

-learn at least 6 new songs on the guitar

-play my guitar in public at least ONCE


-read one book on parenting (I have avoided this as I'm terrified of how freaked out it will make me, but I should probably read something before the baby comes)

-clean one room in our house every day


-send thank you notes to people who deserve it

What I will not do:

-watch Netflix just because Tyler isn't home

-spend hours on Facebook or phone

What will your purpose be this year? Make it a good one!

But don't steal mine...or I'll cut you.

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