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Say what you mean to say

I know I keep changing venue on you. I'm sure you guys are probably tired of following me all over the interwebs, but I was just thinking about how cool it would be to have a website THAT HAS MY NAME IN IT! Plus this seems to be the most fool proof way to create your own website, and I'm down with that.

But let's get down to the nitty gritty.

This year, one of the goals I have set for myself is to say what I feel needs to be said, and to try and listen for the Holy Ghost prompting me. I have had a couple of pretty cool experiences with this, but most of them involve the privacy of others, so I haven't wanted to share any, until today.

Today. Today was one of the most randomly wonderful experiences I have had in a long time.

And it started with a telemarketer.

Well..kinda. If we are going to get SUPER technical it was the BYU charitable giving committee that calls me every spring and I dutifully give them my $20 because I am an alumni dang it! And we are poor, but I like to feel like I am giving back, even if it isn't a butt load of cash.

Anyways, this super nice girl named 'Sarah' (may or may not be her acutal name, not because I am trying to be coy, but because I honestly can't remember how she introduced herself to me because I wasn't paying attention...) called and gave me her speil about donating and how they are building a new engineering building and I pretended I knew something about it, even though I didn't and I just wanted to get to the part where I gave her my $20 donation and we could be done with it because I am a busy lady and have things to do. (Netflix...I was really just wanting to watch Netflix).

In the middle of this conversation she kinda stops (I think it was where I said we could only give $20 because we were students) and says 'How did you meet your husband if you don't mind me asking?' Kind of an odd question, but it was right here that I heard that little thing. The one that tells me to say something and I'm not sure if it is just my crazy or the spirit telling me that I should give her more information than she really is asking for. It is that thing that pushes me out of my comfort zone and I start to nervous walk all over our apartment while I talk to her. I have a split second to decide and I go for the crazy and give her way more information than she probably wanted.

I explained to her that I met my husband after graduating from BYU. I tell her how hard it was to leave the comforts of Utah without a spouse knowing that my chances were slim, but that it was the way that it had worked out. I explain how Utah had made me so unsure of myself and that I had tried to conform to what I thought guys there wanted and how it hadn't worked for me, but that I had just decided to be happy and to do what made me happy and it was that single decision that brought Tyler and I together.

Then she asks me the question that I kind of dread because it is a double edge sword. Am I glad that I 'waited'.

And I answer that I didn't wait, that I didn't purposefully put off marriage, marriage just took a while to come to me, and that yes, I am so grateful for my mission and the internship I did in Chile. That I LOVED student teaching in Texas and my time teaching there. I loved all the adventures that I would have never had had I been married sooner, but that I didn't choose that, Heavenly Father chose that for me. I explain that all of those exciting experiences I had were what taught me about what kind of person I was, that as a student at BYU I didn't know who I was, and that through these challenging experiences I learned about myself in a way I wouldn't have if I had married younger. I explained that I was so unsure of myself for so long, that I would have just melted into whoever I married if I had gotten married younger and become whatever he wanted me to be. That isn't to say that ALL girls do that, that is just who I was at the time.

I told her to do what would make her most happy, that the time would come and she would know it, but that she couldn't sit around waiting for it to happen. I told her to have adventures, to try new things, put herself out of her comfort zone and discover what type of person she is, but most importantly, I told her to be happy. Fix what she could fix to make herself the best version of herself and then to just have faith. The Lord answers in His own way and in His own time, but he answers.

She thanked me and said that she really had needed to talk to me, and was grateful that I wasn't weirded out by her line of questioning, but that she had felt she needed to ask me those questions and that I had answered her prayers.

And then she asked me for my credit card information.

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